"Since the release of the Best Practice Guidelines for MEWP in August 2014, the EWPA has fielded numerous inquiries regarding EWP Operator Training, most questions relate to what the requirements are for such training. The short answer to this question is that the Health and Safety Act informs you that you must train your staff on the equipment they are using. So, even though licensing is not mandatory in New Zealand, machinery operator training most certainly is."
-ewpa.org.nz (read the full article)
We offer EWP operator training courses for the following NZQA standards...
*23966 Describe types of elevating work platforms (EWPs), and legislative requirements for their use
23960 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a scissor lift elevating work platform (EWP)
23961 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a truck mounted elevating work platform (EWP)
23962 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a self-propelled boom lift elevating work platform (EWP)
23963 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a trailer mounted elevating work platform (EWP)
23964 Assess the worksite, prepare and operate a vertical lift elevating work platform (EWP)
*Unit Standard 23966 is a prerequisite for the other MEWP Unit Standards
(See below for MEWP types)
Course can be held onsite or at our East Tamaki training facility.
For information about the safe operation of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms(MEWP) in New Zealand, you should refer to the MEWP best practice guide.